Lauda Musicam of Atlanta was formed in 2009 by members of the defunct Emory Early Music Ensemble, which had its roots in the 1960s when it was founded by George Kelischek.  Feeling a need to provide a performance opportunity for amateur early musicians in the Atlanta area, these founding members created what would soon be one of the largest performing early music ensembles in the Southeast.  In addition to several concerts annually in the Atlanta area, Lauda has been featured on public radio and has helped sponsor early music workshops.  More recently, Lauda has offered semi-annual PlayDates, which are mini-workshops that give others in the community an opportunity to join us in a playing session led by guest conductors.  Lauda rehearses weekly at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church and continues the deep musical tradition at the church by performing once a month for worship services.

At the onset of the 2020 pandemic, Lauda continued to meet virtually with members contributing recordings of themselves to help create a concert.  The concept was so popular that Lauda Musicam doubled in size and now boasts members from as far away as Maine and California.

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